



Are you looking to contest an OQTF or an IRTF? Titre Séjour is by your side to defend your rights in court, throughout France

Vous venez de recevoir une Obligation de Quitter le Territoire Français (OQTF) et vous êtes perdu sur les démarches à suivre ? Notre équipe d’experts vous accompagne pour naviguer ce processus de contestation complexe.


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We assist you in all the procedures

We have identified 3 solutions that can resolve your dispute


We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your process
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Démarches auprès des ambassades
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
  • ppointment with a lawyer
  • Client Area
  • Priority Hotline


Our experts provide you with individual support to answer all your questions. We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution. Initiation of procedures

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your process
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Démarches auprès des ambassades
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
  • ppointment with a lawyer


We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution.

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your process
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
Titre Sejour
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What reasons can lead to the initiation of an expulsion procedure for a foreign national in France?

Irregular stay

If a foreign national is in France without a valid residence permit, they may be subject to an expulsion procedure

Non-compliance with visa or residence permit conditions

If a foreign national does not comply with the conditions related to their visa or residence permit (for example, working without a work permit), they may be subject to an expulsion procedure

Threat to public order

French authorities can decide to expel a foreign national if they are considered a threat to public order, particularly in cases of criminal convictions or behaviors deemed dangerous

Document fraud

The use of false documents or fraud in the context of a visa, residence permit, or asylum application can lead to an expulsion procedure

Rejection of an asylum application

If a person's asylum application is definitively rejected, they may be subject to an expulsion procedure if they do not have another residence permit

Non-compliance with previous expulsion orders

If a person has already been subject to an expulsion order and returns to France without authorization, they may be subject to a new expulsion procedure


What our clients say about us

J'ai récemment obtenu mon titre de séjour avec l'aide de Titresejour.fr, et je suis très satisfaite du service. L'équipe a été très professionnelle et m'a guidée à chaque étape. Merci à toute l’équipe pour votre soutien !

Jimmy Roberts

Titre de séjour

The city and town name generator uses a database of over five million names across more than 150 countries. How you use the city or town name is up to you. All results may be freely used in any work.

Desiree Figueroa

Content Writter

The city and town name generator uses a database of over five million names across more than 150 countries. How you use the city or town name is up to you. All results may be freely used in any work.

Shahnewaz Sakil



We handle appeals against the denial of residence permits, naturalization, visas, and expulsions. We offer administrative, hierarchical, or judicial appeals depending on the situation.

You have a period of 2 months to file an appeal after the notification of denial. We assist you in formulating a strong argument and preparing all the necessary documents.

The processing time varies from 3 to 12 months depending on the type of appeal and the complexity of the case.
