



Do you want to obtain a residence permit in France? Trust Titre Sejour.

We will guide you through your procedures, whether for an initial application or a renewal, for all types of residence permits: work, student, family reunification, and more, throughout France.


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We assist you in all the procedures

We have identified 3 solutions that can resolve your dispute


We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution.

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your journey
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
  • Account creation on the dedicated service site


Our experts provide you with individual support to answer all your questions. We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution. Initiation of procedures

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your process
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
  • ppointment with a lawyer
  • Account creation on the dedicated service site
  • Appointment scheduling at the prefecture
  • Assistance at the prefecture


We precisely identify which type of procedure applies to you and provide you with the most suitable solution.

  • Private individual administrative consultation with our experts
  • Identification of your administrative procedures and optimization of your journey
  • Provision of the list of documents to be gathered
  • Assistance in compiling the file
  • Assistance with third-party requests (Birth certificate, criminal record, P237, CERFA)
  • Processing of your file as quickly as possible
  • ppointment with a lawyer
  • Account creation on the dedicated service site
  • Appointment scheduling at the prefecture
  • Assistance at the prefecture
  • Priority Hotline
  • RMU in case of delay

Why apply for a residence permit?

  • Work
  • Studies
  • Family reunification
  • International Protection
  • Medical Reasons
  • Retirement
Titre Sejour
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Quels sont les critères d’éligibilité pour l'obtention d'un titre de séjour en France ?

Residence Permit for Work

To work in France, a foreign national must obtain a work contract and, depending on the profession, have their qualifications validated. Before arriving in France, it may be necessary to obtain a long-stay visa, which serves as a residence permit for the initial months

Residence Permit for Studies

A foreign student must be enrolled in a French institution and prove that they have the financial means to support themselves, either through personal funds or a scholarship, without needing to work. Health insurance is also a prerequisite

Residence Permit for Family Reunification

To live in France through family reunification, it is necessary to demonstrate that the family member already residing in France has sufficient financial resources and adequate housing to accommodate the newcomers

Residence Permit for Entrepreneurs/Investors

Les entrepreneurs ou investisseurs doivent démontrer la viabilité de leur projet économique et leur capacité à subvenir à leurs besoins sans impacter les aides sociales françaises. Un business plan détaillé peut être demandé pour attester de la solidité du projet.

Residence Permit for Retirement or Private and Family Life

For those wishing to settle in France for retirement or for private and family reasons, it is necessary to demonstrate family ties in France or provide other personal justifications. Adequate financial resources are also required, and the individual must not pose a threat to public order


What our clients say about us

J'ai récemment obtenu mon titre de séjour avec l'aide de Titresejour.fr, et je suis très satisfaite du service. L'équipe a été très professionnelle et m'a guidée à chaque étape. Merci à toute l’équipe pour votre soutien !

Jimmy Roberts

Titre de séjour

The city and town name generator uses a database of over five million names across more than 150 countries. How you use the city or town name is up to you. All results may be freely used in any work.

Desiree Figueroa

Content Writter

The city and town name generator uses a database of over five million names across more than 150 countries. How you use the city or town name is up to you. All results may be freely used in any work.

Shahnewaz Sakil



We assist you with all types of residence permits: student, employee, entrepreneur, family reunification, visitor, talent passport, and other specific statuses.

The documents vary depending on the type of application, but generally include: passport, proof of residence, proof of financial resources, employment contract (for an employee residence permit), or school enrollment certificate (for a student)

Yes, we help you put together your renewal application based on your situation, and we ensure that your application meets the prefecture's requirements

Les délais varient entre 1 à 4 mois selon le type de demande et la préfecture concernée.
